Design Hunter™ Q+A with Marc Fong

Editorial Team

Head of Research + Design for Herman Miller International Marc Fong shares his design favourites with Habitus Living.

Your name: Marc Fong

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What you do: Head of Research+Design for Herman Miller International

Your latest project: New product line extensions to Arras (Gold winner at 2011 Australia Design Award)

Who are three people that inspire/excite you:

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     1)  My father

     2)  My mother

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     3)  My brother and sister – sorry’s that’s four!

What is your favourite…

travel destination: Japan

hotel/place to stay: a modest house or a sprawling villa, not a hotel room

luxury goods company: No favourite – owning a bag hand made by someone I know is my view on luxury

value for money company: Toyota – they define value for money

design classic: Herman Miller Eames Aluminum Group chair

new design: Not that new, but I do like the Dyson fan and so does every child

type of chair: a comfortable one..

meal: a nice Malaysian chicken curry fragranced by generous use of lemongrass, with crusty baguette

restaurants: Shunju in Tokyo, especially the one in Shibuya, Keung Kee, 5 minutes walk from my apartment in Hong Kong

drink: Negroni

barSky Bar in Bangkok

Item of clothing for…

Winter: a warm long coat

Summer: Speedos

artworkRothko – the orange, red and yellow one

artistCy Twombly

gallery/museumGuggenheim Bilbao

bookA House for Mr. Biswas by VS Naipaul

item in your studio: my Mitutoyo vernier caliper – delightful!

piece of technology: file sharing

historical figure: Admiral Zheng He

fictional character: Madonna

vice: none in my opinion…

virtue: don’t know of any

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