Design Hunter™ Q+A with Such Great Heights

Editorial Team

Partners in work and life, Ryan and Jo have created Such Great Heights, drawing on their collective experiences in film-making, photography, woodwork, fashion design, paediatrics and parenthood to create a small range of products for children.

Your name: Ryan O’Connor & Jo Fahy     

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What you do: We design and create products for Such Great Heights

Your latest project: We are currently collaborating with Swedish artist Camilla Engman on a modern version of a baby’s first book. It will be a beautifully tactile and rich keepsake piece for babies and adults alike.

Who are three people that inspire/excite you:

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     1)  Lauren Bieber and Tom Crowe from Mixed Business and Fowlers Flowers, Clifton Hill. Seriously talented and hardworking duo! 

     2)  Beck

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     3)  Our children. Amazing little folk. 

What is your favourite…

Car/bike/plane/boat model: Honda CT110 – aka Ryan’s trusty Postie Bike (bullet proof and $3 per week on petrol)

Chair model: Rocking Chair #1 by Thonet. This is a sentimental favourite as we have spent many nights rocking our children to sleep on ours.

Residential space: Home sweet home (1915 bluestone villa).

Commercial space: GOMA, Brisbane

Decorative product: Daisy chains

Functional product: Bandaids

Handmade good: ‘Wonder Tent’ by Such Great Heights, of course! 

Mass-produced good: Jurlique Skin Balancing Face Oil (Jo)

Meal: Jo does a mean lemon curd tart.

Restaurant: Auge Ristorante

Drink: Freshly squeezed juice with ginger. Great start to the day.

Item in your studio: The press stud machine is pretty sexy…

Piece of technology: Our ever expanding Apple collection.

Historical figure: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Fictional character: Tintin

Vice: Chocolate croissants

Virtue: Patience & compassion

What does the term ‘Design Hunter’ mean to you? Seek, love, share.