A Note From The Editor – Habitus #42, The Trailblazers Issue

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What makes us so special?

In the spirit of the December issue’s theme, Trailblazers, I invite you to consider the following: As architects, designers and creatives, how can we position ourselves to stand out from the crowd? Anyway, should we want to?

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I would suggest: Yes. Humankind is by nature creative – whether it’s our passion or profession – so it makes sense to pursue a point of difference. But I would caution against doing so at the cost of a purpose.

The work of those featured in issue #42, varied and spread across the Indo-Pacific, was chosen for its unique approach to architecture and design as much as for its honest and responsive qualities. The architects and designers Habitus speaks to in the pages that ensue have caught our eye and held our attention over the years with their innovation and bespoke approach to each and every brief they receive.

Whether it is an architect in Singapore who is governing his practice by a “design and make” approach or a designer in Melbourne who has re-entered the fashion industry after a four-year hiatus with a fiery and renewed passion to highlight the importance of Fair Trade practices and sustainability.

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There are architects across the Region who have taken briefs too difficult for some, like turning a 24 square-foot studio apartment in the middle of the city into a spacious abode, for example, and with persistence and dedication found success.

I encourage you to take a look through the issue, and hope you are inspired to determine your own point of difference, in life and in work.

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Holly Cunneen