Have You Met The Women Of The Indesign Office?

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In celebration of International Women’s Day 2020 on Sunday March 8th, this year Habitus looks inwards at our own team and our personal/professional accomplishments.

Happy International Women’s Day 2020! What a great reminder to pause, acknowledge, share and celebrate the accomplishments of Women across the world. We look to our industry, across industries, across borders and oceans, to our phone and social media and ask others who they are inspired by.

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But we forget to look inwards, at ourselves and own accomplishments. Thinking of how we could celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, at the Habitus desk we sat and looked around the office, looking to others wondering what they would suggest.

But when we looked to our colleagues for advice, we saw what an amazing office in which we work. What a wonderful team to be a part of, even the boys are pretty good.

So without taking anything away from the wonderful women of the architecture and design industry, this year we are looking inwards at the wonderful women of the Indesign Media Office. Have you met them yet?

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First row from left to right

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Karolina Rodriguez

My name is Karolina and I’m the Events Marketing Manager at Indesign Media, working across events such as Saturday Indesign, INDE.Summit, INDE.Awards, Sustainability Summit and Sustainability Awards. I’ve been working in events marketing for over a decade and at Indesign, I am lucky enough to combine my experience in events marketing with my passion for the design and architecture industry.

I’m always proud of something where I can make a positive impact, and something I’ve done which I’ve been proud of recently is that I spent the last year leading marketing change across a business unit made up of 420 employees working across 57 events. It was so rewarding to be able to implement positive change to so many people and improve how they work every day.

My mother has been a constant inspiration in my life and I’m so lucky to have such an intelligent, caring and supportive person in my life. Regardless of whatever hurdles came her way, she always has my best interests in mind and has always set such an amazing example for me.


Emily Sutton

I’m Emily Sutton – an editorial / content writer at Indesign.

My honours project for interior architecture is something that I will always be proud of. It has shaped the way I look at everyday experiences, places, people, objects and how all of these can create inspiration in ways that you least expect.

Throughout my degree, I constantly felt lost of what I wanted to do and achieve in the present and for the future; but at the end, I knew I had put my heart and soul of who I am into that project and today, when I’m feeling a little bit stuck or uninspired, I always go back to that. And now, I’m here writing about architecture and design – proud and grateful of what I do everyday!

Ellen DeGeneres – everyday, she gets to bring happiness and laughter into people’s lives, while using her platform to make a difference. And I feel like that’s an inspiring way to live your life.


Brydie Shephard.

What I do is a bit of a mixed bag really, head up our production for print and digital, manage our internal content agency, C-GEN, and just launched our newest initiative – Women Indesign

I’m definitely really proud of Women Indesign. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and really believe in. I’m really proud of the work I’ve done on it, the reception we’ve received and I’m really proud of the whole Indesign family for backing it!

I’m inspired by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s intelligent, eloquent and unwavering in her beliefs.


Yvonne Grice

My name is Evie and I am the Customer Success Manager for Architecture & Design. I love people and my days are full of client interactions that keeps me motivated and busy.

I’m proud of being mum to a vivacious 7-year-old girl. I’m continually amazed by how much she teaches me not only about myself but the wider world we live in.

At the risk of sounding cliché but my mum is my hero. Immigrating to Australia in the early 90s, she has and continues to carry my family through every high and low with fearless resolve, compassion and humility. When I grow up I want to be my mum.


Sofie Teh

I’m Sofie Teh, Event Manager at Indesign Media – organising fabulous industry events, awards, exhibitions and occasional parties for our brands (with our stellar all-girl event team).

A while ago, powering on to finish my final year fashion collection while my hair was literally falling out from discovering I had Alopecia. And showing it at VAMFF with a bald head!

All the past generations of women in my family who have consistently passed on the values of being progressive, ballsy and independent regardless of time/place – endured and succeeded with their own ambitions alongside cultural traditions and domestic commitments. But to say just one, it’d be mum of course 😉


Cherie Nelson

My name is Cherie and I’m the marketing manager for Indesign Media, driving the transformation of our digital marketing and data management capabilities in order to create more meaningful conversations with our audiences.

I was introduced to Macquarie University’s early intervention reading program through a previous workplace volunteer initiative and when I came across it in my local school last-year I decided to sign up again. Carving out the time to commit to volunteering has been a challenge, particularly on top of work and family commitments – however seeing the two students each week and watching them find confidence and enjoyment from reading is really gratifying. I’m super proud to be involved with such an awesome initiative.

My Nan was one of my greatest inspirations growing up. She would teach my sisters and I how to weave baskets, spin wool into yarn, create copper artwork, make leather bags and hand build clay pots which she’d fire and glaze in her kiln. In her own time, she’d make room size rugs on a loom, and throw clay on wheel and turn wood on a lathe machine. One day, I watched her use a MIG welder to build a frame for her new greenhouse she was building. My Nan taught me that we are all creators and regardless of gender we can craft our own future and happiness – in our own unique way.


Sarah Buckley

I’m Sarah and I’m the deputy editor of Architecture & Design. I write about architecture and design, more so architecture, and its domino effect on industries pertaining to it.

I had a baby boy eight months ago, and returned to work two weeks after giving birth, and have been working full-time since. It’s a double-edged sword, but overall I’m quite proud of myself for that.

Grimes (Claire Boucher) is currently getting me out of bed in the mornings. I’m finding her brutal honesty, untrained media approach and billionaire boyfriend a commendable spectacle, all the while being pregnant. She’s a very interesting musician, and pop culture icon.


Second row from right to left

Sue Davies

I’m Sue and in short I’m about People, People and Design. Heading up the Recruitment Product at Indesign seemed like the perfect next step for me. Joining a team that already owns the conversation in the design world has given me a great fresh perspective on the industry and how we can make a difference. It is inspirational to be surrounded by so many fantastic women.

I am super proud of taking the initiative at the tender age of 25 to pack my life in a bag and move to the other side of the world. Alone. The life I have since forged for myself, whilst not always easy has rewarded me beyond belief; both in my career and personally, as a Mum, a friend and a colleague.

Maya Angelou was an early inspiration for me…………. a phenomenal Woman! “It’s the reach of may arms. The span of my hips.  The stride of my step.  The curl of my lips. I’m a Woman Pheomenally. Phenomenal Woman. That’s me.” I think that’s all of us.


Eve Milburn

I’m responsible for coordinating the digital content for the Architecture & Design website.

I am proud of my move to Australia and starting up a new life here!

A woman that inspires me is Greta Thunberg and how she’s such a boss when it comes to fighting for climate change.


Cazzie Zeng

I am Cassie Zeng, working at Indesign Media Asia Pacific as Accountant.

I am proud that I was vegetarian for three years, during that time I was really strict to myself, as not eating meat is hard.

Gabrielle Chanel. She is well known as a talented and creative fashion designer. She did not have a normal childhood and had to work hard and sacrificed a lot in order to be the person she is known for today, which in a way inspires me that being successful is not impossible for everyone.


Flora Li

I am an assistant account at Indesign (freshly started!). Mostly dealing with financial issue within the company.

I left my home country at 19 years old and came to Australia by myself to attend university.

My mum is a journalist and focusing mostly on Chinese worker’s social welfare/medical care. She always encourages me to read, to explore, to form my own opinion, and to think critically. She is my biggest supporter and my inspiration of all time.


Louise Gault

By day I am a senior designer at Indesign Media and by night a dance and Zumba instructor.

I am proud of the life I am building – the goal isn’t perfection, but richness in experience and sharing passion.

Frida Kahlo inspires me to meld creativity into my everyday, pride in where I come from and to be authentic.


Kavita Nandan

I’m Kavita, Managing Director of Indesign Media. Managing a media company with changing landscapes in the last 20 years has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. Indesign has always had a strong female representation and I am proud to nurture and support that. Proud to have great work culture of the “indesign family” where we work hard and also party hard. We couldn’t do what do we our amazing team of talented individuals, who are passionate in what they do.

I’m proud of starting Indesign with my partner, having a newborn, and moving states within the same couple of months. Juggling it all is something most females are doing more but I am most proud of the strong females I have raised with the moral compass to make good decisions independently. More recently I’m proud to have launch our Women Indesign supper series.

My mum is the glue for all our families. While we all strive to have work life balance, Mum knew how to provide an environment that was always safe, non-judgmental and full of laughter. That to me is real success!!


Holly Cunneen

My name is Holly and I’m the editor of Habitus and Habitus Living. My days are spent researching, learning, writing and reporting on architecture and design. Growing up I knew I wanted to write but architecture has been a love it took me 23 years to find.

Last year I ran in my first running event, the Blackmores 10km. I’ve been running for a few years now but I’d never run that length before and I did it without stopping. I was also surprised by how cool it felt to run down the centre of the Harbour Bridge.

When I was at university I worked retail for an Australian clothing designer and our national brand manager really impressed me from our first meeting. She was always so well put together, firm but fair, direct but friendly, brilliant at her job and invested in building up those around her, myself included. That was 10 years ago and I still look up to her professionally.


Ali Lawes

I’m Ali Lawes, Head of Events at Indesign Media Asia Pacific. Together with our events, and multi-disciplinary team, we deliver our unique and ever-evolving portfolio of events in both Australia and Singapore.

I’m proud of making the move to Australia by myself from the U.K. It was the first time I’d lived overseas and completely out of character. I’m forever grateful for the combination of events that drove me to do it. I couldn’t imagine my life anywhere else but here now. Looking back it was a bold change that has luckily paid off.

My Nan inspires me for so many reasons, but creatively for never stopping making incredible things for other people, whether sewn, or knitted or a multitude of other craft, until her very last days despite so many physical barriers. Creating and learning kept her going and made her feel alive.


Brunetta Stocco

I’m Brunetta and I’m so proud to be a Business Development Manager for Indesign based in our office in Melbourne.

Something I’m proud of is raising two sons who are thoughtful, kind and super respectful to women.

Someone who inspires me is Rosie Batty – I’m in awe of her courage and resilience; how she overcame personal tragedy to make such an amazing contribution to exposing family violence and ensuring that victims receive the respect, support and safety they deserve.


Jan Henderson

My name is Jan Henderson and I am acting editor of Indesign while the lovely Alice is on maternity leave. I have been working in editorial for many years now and find that my profession is ever stimulating and exciting…how lucky am I to be doing something I love.

Perhaps I’m most proud of the fact that I am in a situation where I am surrounded by truly dedicated, passionate and inspirational women and men and that I have the chance to keep learning and growing in my profession.

As far as a woman that inspires me…. well there isn’t just one but many. From my friends and colleagues, who have achieved success not just in the workplace but at home as well, each and every one who has crossed my path has a special quality that has influenced me and adds a valuable contribution to my life.


Alice Blackwood

I’m Alice, I’m a design editor with a journalistic background. I love sharing people’s stories, and curating ideas and thought-leadership. I find working in print and digital publishing to be a great creative outlet and wonderful challenge – as publishing is as much a business as it is an influencer of thought and producer of covetable products.

Over the years I’ve also developed a side career in content and communications strategy. To deeply understand a brand and craft its voice is a fascinating journey to share with a client.

I’m proud of my daughter. She’s revealed to me a new frontier beyond my all-consuming work-life. She reminds me to think and look with imagination, and boil the big problems down to the simple truths.

So many women inspire me! I’m deeply admiring of all the women running businesses in our highly competitive design industry, you have great energy. You know who you are! Also special shout-outs to my business mentor, Jo Hook, who was a positive and constructive influence in my life when I most needed it.


Dana Ciaccia

From her envious base in Noosa, Dana is Brand Director of Indesign, regularly flying down every month to check in and spend time with the team and collaborators. Her clear sense of direction and unwavering conviction in our products assures the whole office.


Colleen Black

Colleen is our Brand Director at Habitus and although she hasn’t been in the office much recently (she’s currently sailing around the world!) not a week goes by in which her name isn’t mentioned. Her love for the Indesign family and dedication to what we do here continues to inspire and motivated us from afar.


This is us! Thank you for listening!