
March 8, 2019

Habitus Loves… Bauhaus-Inspired Pieces

Habitus Living celebrates the Bauhaus’ centenary with 10 pieces inspired by the influential 20th century design school.

November 30, 2018

Habitus Loves… Exposed Storage

Pieces collected from our travels, essential items within the home, objets d’art or items we just love the look of, this collection of exposed storage will ensure what you have on display makes just as big an impact as what you are presenting to the world.

August 18, 2017

Design by District: The Alex at Sydney Indesign 2017

Surrounded by this city’s most intense industrial developments, and engirt by juggernaut local and international design brands, The Alex was a small oasis of innovation and cutting-edge design thinking.

June 23, 2017

Bridging The Kitchen Divide

Unit, by Italy’s Cesar is a dynamic, airy kitchen system, not limited by wall constraints, serving as a bridge between professionalism and domestic warmth.