MINI Countryman

November 8, 2012

Design Hunter™ Q+A with TheSuperCool

For our third MINI Design Hunter™ profile we catch up with Kate and David of TheSuperCool, experts at packing, driving and setting up shop.

October 31, 2012

Design Hunter™ Q+A with Bianca Riggio

For our second installment in the MINI Countryman Design Hunter™ series, Bianca Riggio of Page Thirty Three shares her design favourites with Habitusliving.

October 25, 2012

Design Hunter™ Q+A with Alice Blackwood

For the next four weeks Habitusliving is partnering with MINI to take our Design Hunters™ out on the open road in the new Countryman. This week we speak with Alice Blackwood, voice of DQ magazine – the definitive resource for the Australian architecture and design industry.