Patrick Reynolds

March 23, 2021

Architect Rich Naish’s Climate Responsive Play Place

Given its beachfront location, designing for climate resilience and rain events was top of mind for this architect’s family bach.

December 17, 2019

5 Recent Additions To Habitus’ Dream Stays List

The Indo-Pacific region is blessed with endless cultural diversity, scenic beauty, and experiential delights; all one needs to truly enjoy them is an equally exceptional place to stay.

August 27, 2019

The Power Of One: Solitude Done Right At Lindis Lodge

Given our increasingly frenetic lives, isolation might be the biggest luxury of all, especially when it’s experienced at Lindis Lodge in New Zealand by Architecture Workshop.

July 22, 2019

Christopher Beer Architects Design A House In Town

For this New Zealand family, relocating from Auckland to a rural town has led to a remarkable urban project: a semi-public house complete with a micro café and gallery.

May 29, 2018

This Rural Residence Clearly Defines Its Boundaries – Right Before It Pushes Through Them

In rural New Zealand Herbst Architects turns a seemingly limitless space into one neatly organised around three simple box forms.

September 13, 2016

Courtyard House

The solution to a challenging residential site came in the form of a simple brick wall.