Residing in Sydney's inner west, this semi-detached house has undergone a significant transformation, underneath the watchful gaze of Lot 1 Design.
Clever design rejuvenates this semi-detached house in a densely populated area of Sydney’s east, giving residents plenty of natural light without sacrificing their privacy.
This house, designed by Downie North, provides a relaxing, durable space for a family’s active lifestyle.
There’s much to appreciate about the robust material that is concrete, and NS House by K2LD Architects, Singapore, is a showcase of just how much.
Shifted House by SSD Studio in Sydney’s Bondi Beach is a post-war, semi-detached house turned holiday home that exudes calm while respecting its original character and location.
In the Assembled House, Park + Associates’ ingenious response to challenging authority regulations results in an engaging, light-filled semi detached house defined by its circulation and layering of internal volumes.