About Habitusliving


Habitus is a movement for living in design. We’re an intelligent community of original thinkers in constant search of native uniqueness in our region.


From our base in Australia, we strive to capture the best edit, curating the stories behind the stories for authentic and expressive living.


Habitusliving.com explores the best residential architecture and design in Australia and Asia Pacific.


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#MyHabitus : Our Month Of Giveaways!

#MyHabitus : Our Month Of Giveaways!

#MyHabitus is a Social Media competition run in collaboration with Manuela Millan of Meanwhile In Melbourne and Habitus Living.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of several individuals and brands, for the month of November #MyHabitus X #MeanwhileInMelbourne will explore a select handful of Melbourne’s creatives.  At all points, each brand, object, individual or location/initiative is highlighted as an exemplar of ‘Living In Design’, particularly reflective of Melbourne’s unique identity and cultural scene.


With 14 prizes to be won by our lucky audience, the total prize pool contains:

4 x Habitus Living Magazine subscriptions (year)

Mr Black Espresso Martini bottle

Linea “desktop architecture” design by Jim Hannon-Tan & Made by Pen

Unisex watch by Jack and Bell

Galaxy cushion by ni.ni creative

Saturn table lamp by Ilanel

Brass tray by Lightly

Muuto Corky Carafe by Living Edge

QT Hotel voucher by QT Hotels

Assemblage Vase by La petite fabrique de Brunswick

Marble and terrazzo side table by Redfox & Wilcox

Breakfast and Dinner voucher from Higher Ground

Book: Plant Society ‘Create an Indoor Oasis for Your Urban Space’ by Jason Chongue

How does it work?


Duration Of Competition Running for the full period of November, the #MyHabitus X #MeanwhileInMelbourne competition will offer people the chance to win a selection of prizes each week.

For the Monday of every week, that week’s prizes are announced and people can begin entering. The competition for that week closes at 12am EST on the Friday morning, and the winner for that week is drawn/announced at 5pm EST that afternoon.

November Week 1: “Discerning Taste”(6th – 10th)
Prizes: Mr Black Liqueur, Muuto’s Corky Carafe, and Higher Grounds breakfast voucher for $60 and a dinner voucher for $100.

November Week 2: “Forever Lustre” (13th – 17th)
Prizes: Group: Brass tray by Lightly, galaxy cushion by ni.ni creative and Saturn table lamp by Ilanel.

November Week 3: “Natural Beauty” ( 20th- 24th)
Prizes: Assemblage Vase by La petite Fabrique de Brunswick, book by  Plant Society  and side table by Redfox & Wilcox

November Week 4: “New Luxury” (27th – 1st Dec)
Prizes: Linea “desktop architecture” design by Jim Hannon-Tan & Made by Pen, unisex watch by Jack + Bell and  a nights’ accommodation at designer hotel QT Melbourne and breakfast for two at the hotel’s signature restaurant, Pascale Bar & Grill

How to enter:


1. Like the “WIN” picture of any given prize group. These images will be posted across both @HabitusLiving and @MeanwhileinMelbourne Instagram channels.
2. Tag a friend and comment #MyHabitus Should someone be selected as the winner, the friend that they tagged will receive a complimentary year subscription to Habitus Magazine as a thanks for participating.
3. Follow @Habitusliving and @Meanwhileinmelbourne
**Winners will be announced via a follow-up post of the prize (different image) and contacted via ‘Instagram Direct Messaging’ by @HabitusLiving. This is to request their preferred delivery address for the prizes. Every winner will receive a 1 year subscription to Habitus Magazine in addition to their other prizes for that week (4 subscriptions in total) **Winners are selected by chance via a random number generator. (One entry per person.)
Terms and Conditions apply.

Competition Terms and Conditions of Entry


1. Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the competition is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. Participants who do not consent to
@HabitusLiving’s decisions may withdraw from the competition.
2. The Promotion is a game of chance. Skill plays no part in the determination of a winner.
3. Entry is open to residents of Australia only, and over 18 years of age. However, employees and their immediate families of @HabitusLiving, @MeanwhileinMelbourne or any of the brands donating prizes to the competition, and their associated dealers, retailers, agencies and companies are not eligible to enter.
4. Sweepstake winners will be selected at random by a random information generator.
5. There is a maximum submission of 1 entry per prize. Should a candidate enter more than this all of their submissions will be withdrawn.
6. The competition will be held once for each prize. Winners will be announced the week following the promotion. The winners will be contacted by Habitus Magazine to arrange for distribution of the prizes. The competition will run for the duration of November 2017.
7. To enter, candidates must follow @HabitusLiving and @MeanwhileInMelbourne on Instagram, ‘like’ the “WIN” image of the prize they wish to be in the running for, and tag themselves and a friend in the comment. The friend will be given a 1 year subscription to Habitus as a prize for their proxy participation.
8. Participants are responsible for the resolution of any legal issues arising from their works in the event of changing, editing or doctoring contest imagery and agree to pay any costs thereby incurred. Indesign Media reserves the right to disallow entries that are harmful to the public order, violate standards of decency or are contrary to the goals of the competition.
9. Indesign Media and Meanwhile In Melbourne may elect to suspend or postpone receipt of any or all entries if, in its judgment, the competition cannot be run smoothly for any reason at their discretion.
10. Save where they are due to Indesign Media or Meanwhile in Melbourne’s malice or gross negligence, Indesign Media and Meanwhile In Melbourne do not accept liability for damages or other harm su ered by entrants as a result of their participation in the competition.
11. Entrants agree to fully indemnify Indesign Media and Meanwhile In Melbourne and accept all responsibility for any third-party complaints or claims concerning copyright or other intellectual property rights infringement or damages arising from their reposted entry submitted.
12. There will be a total of 10 winners, submitted by an individual and valid Instagram account.
13. Winning Prizes: Each winner receives the prize depcited in their winning repost. Friends tagged in the post will receive a 1 year subscription to Habitus Magazine.
14. Should the participant win one of the prizes in the competition, Indesign Media will contact them directly
in order to take information to organise delivery of the prize. Any information you provide will be subject to the privacy policy as set out on the website.
15. By entering and participating, the Participant agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Instagram
from and against any and all claims, demands, liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described), losses, costs or expenses, with respect to or arising out of or related to (i) entrant’s participation
in the competition, or (ii) entrant’s participation in any Prize related activities, acceptance of a Prize and/or use or misuse of a Prize (including, without limitation, any property loss, damage, personal injury or death caused
to any person(s).This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram.
16. Indesign Media, Meanwhile In Melbourne and participating competition brands reserve the right to publish entries to their social media accounts during the competition. Such publication does not guarantee an award
of any kind to the Participant. Indesign Media reserves the right to publish all entries onto its website and social networking service accounts at any time and to make amendments to images where necessary.
17. Indesign Media and Meanwhile In Melbourne reserve in perpetuity the non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, make public, display, print, distribute and screen winning entries on websites and public social networking service accounts, in photo exhibitions, without further compensation to or the additional prior consent of the participant.
18. Indesign Media will display the names of the winners and the titles of the winning entries on its websites and public social networking service accounts.
19. All prizes cannot be bartered and are not redeemable for cash.

For any further information, please contact David Congram: david@indesign.com.au
