Irreverent Thai design

Editorial Team

Featured in Habitus #22 (on sale December 19), we couldn’t resist sharing more of 56thStudio’s cheeky personality.

habitusliving: What is your design process?

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56thStudio: Although we’d love to say our process is very organised and professional, we really can’t. In fact, it usually starts from casual conversation. It could be a comment on social situation at that time or an update on the latest prime time soap operas.

HL:How are your products communicative?

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56S: We never really consider ourselves furniture designers or product designers. What we are trying hard to explore is basically a craft of visual communication but instead of picking up a pencil and draw we choose to cut wood, build up forms, tactile textures and tell our story via objects.

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HL: What kinds of comments do your products make, and how?

56S: I find myself good at being sarcastic and making up sugar-coated criticisms. Therefore, we have the habit of commenting on serious taboos but in a light-headed, whimsical, humorous tone.

HL: You work on other projects and are learning how to mix cocktails at the moment. How does this give you new insight to your product design work?

56S: Definitely, time management skill. Both of us works 7 days a week and from 8:30am to almost midnight everyday. It has been our habit for almost 3 years now. You really have to love what you’re doing in order to tolerate this brutal routine.

For sure, being a little tipsy is very good for creativity as well!


Hero Image: Atirojt Rotratanawalee

Tags: 56thStudio