About Habitusliving


Habitus is a movement for living in design. We’re an intelligent community of original thinkers in constant search of native uniqueness in our region.


From our base in Australia, we strive to capture the best edit, curating the stories behind the stories for authentic and expressive living.


Habitusliving.com explores the best residential architecture and design in Australia and Asia Pacific.


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Irreverent Thai design

Irreverent Thai design

Featured in Habitus #22 (on sale December 19), we couldn’t resist sharing more of 56thStudio’s cheeky personality.

habitusliving: What is your design process?

56thStudio: Although we’d love to say our process is very organised and professional, we really can’t. In fact, it usually starts from casual conversation. It could be a comment on social situation at that time or an update on the latest prime time soap operas.


HL:How are your products communicative?

56S: We never really consider ourselves furniture designers or product designers. What we are trying hard to explore is basically a craft of visual communication but instead of picking up a pencil and draw we choose to cut wood, build up forms, tactile textures and tell our story via objects.


HL: What kinds of comments do your products make, and how?

56S: I find myself good at being sarcastic and making up sugar-coated criticisms. Therefore, we have the habit of commenting on serious taboos but in a light-headed, whimsical, humorous tone.



HL: You work on other projects and are learning how to mix cocktails at the moment. How does this give you new insight to your product design work?

56S: Definitely, time management skill. Both of us works 7 days a week and from 8:30am to almost midnight everyday. It has been our habit for almost 3 years now. You really have to love what you’re doing in order to tolerate this brutal routine.

For sure, being a little tipsy is very good for creativity as well!



Hero Image: Atirojt Rotratanawalee

