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‘Tangents’ at Edmund Pearce Gallery

In this new series, Michael Corridore references Cubism and art history, redefining such ideas in a modern photographic context. Commenced in 2000, the project has only now been fully realised by the artist, thanks to advances in digital capture technology. Vibrant and subtle colour can now be fully preserved in the collage process.

“Although a departure from the ‘Angry Black Snake’ series and ongoing landscape work, Tangents reflects Michael’s deep artistic practise and an ability to experiment confidently with different techniques and styles. Such strong technique reflects this photographer’s mastery of his craft.”

– Jason McQuoid, Co-Director, Edmund Pearce Gallery on the work of Michael Corridore, 2013


Because I work everyday as a photographer, collage and still life helps me to look at things differently, while exploring digital media as photography changes. 

In this series of collages, I have returned to a series that I had started in 2000. The original series resulted in about a dozen or so photographs. My first attempts at collage were through printing negatives onto black and white lithographic film and layering multiple sheets of those films onto a light box and photographing the assembled sheets as collages. 


From there I decided to experiment with digital capture of the original components and assemble the layers in Photoshop so that I could preserve colour, which was lost in the lithographic printing process. This was my first foray into working with digital capture technology. 

In the past year I began to explore this collage process again photographing various forms working with life models, mannequins and various household objects which offered me the opportunity to explore both malleable and solid forms and shapes that could be layered together in the assembled collages. 


This exploration in collage stems from my interest in the Cubists approach to re-interpreting what we see from differing perspectives and synthesize those components of our observations and memory information onto a flat page.”

– Michael Corridore

Tangents will be on display at Edmund Pearce Gallery from 11 September – 05 October 2013

Edmund Pearce Gallery
