
July 19, 2023

A Noosa home inspired by Geoffrey Bawa

This coastal home in Queensland by CLO Studios serves as an artful homage to its history, the natural environment, and the famed Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa.

July 5, 2023

Shadow House by Grotto Studio is full of spatial poetry

When two school friends reconnected over a shared love of design and sustainability, the opportunity to collaborate did more than give new life to a 110-year-old house – it cemented a friendship while making a poetic story in the process.

November 30, 2022

Stories of the moving tide

Ghost Net Collective is creating a large-scale installation of a sting ray for Barangaroo, bringing together communities and putting ocean net waste to good use in the process.

September 29, 2020

Where Horses And Humans Freely Co-Exist

This house and horse pavilion, designed by Allen Jack + Cottier, has given a herd of wild brumbies freedom and choice and the opportunity to express their wildness.

February 13, 2019

The Spirit of Place According To Palinda Kannangara

Sri Lankan architect and INDE.Awards 2019 Ambassador Palinda Kannangara discusses the relationship between the spirit of place and architecture.

February 1, 2019

Close To Nature: Tree Houses In Australia

Who said tree houses were for children? These five houses embrace their leafy environments, offering a peaceful paradise amongst the towering trees.

July 23, 2018

Breaking Barriers Between Architecture And The Environment

An unliveable, deceased estate in Melbourne’s Alphington has been transformed into a timber box-like family home, revealing a journey of layers upon layers by architect Walter&Walter.

December 7, 2011

Varakan’s House

A house and its contents becomes, over time, a collection of things and ideas that represent a personal journey. For Thai designer, architect and photographer, Varakan Tipprapa, this curation was a very conscious response to his own questions about the purpose of a designer.