Scott Burrows

February 17, 2020

Auchenflower House By DAHA Shows It’s Okay To Play

In overcoming restrictive design parameters, DAHA have created a practical family home with fun factor.

October 28, 2019

Bushland House In Brisbane Is Designed To Engage With Site And Landscape

Arcke designed an L-shaped house with passive solar design and tactile materiality to create engagement with the house, climate and land.

July 5, 2018

Brazilian Modernism In Australia: Looks And Performance

How are Australian architects embracing characteristics of Brazilian modernism as a functional response to climate and aesthetic response to a brief?

April 10, 2018

Let The Sun Shine: Passive Solar Home Design

Good for people and the environment, passive solar home design improves the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of a home using the resources of the sun and wind.

December 5, 2017

A Brisbane Extension By Shaun Lockyer Architects

Shaun Lockyer Architects’ regional modernist style works a treat at any scale and the recently completed Folkhouse in Brisbane’s inner-city suburbs is no exception.

November 20, 2017

Is Queensland’s Vernacular Architecture Evolving?

Dover House by Shaun Lockyer Architects represents a contemporary evolution of Queensland’s vernacular architecture, and the practice’s approach to architecture, described as subtropical-inspired regional modernism.