It’s not every day that the Australian mainland’s little cousin, Tasmania, is spotlighted. That’s why we’re buzzing with anticipation for Tasmania’s biennial international arts event, Ten Days on the Island, to be held in March 2011.
Centred on the theme of Island Culture, this multi-disciplinary, multi-sensory experience will feature spectacles ranging from theatre to film and literature to music and dance. 62 Tasmanian communities will showcase their talents in locations spanning across the entire island.
And just in case the thought of travelling through woody Tasmanian thicket is a little too intimidating, Artistic Director Elizabeth Walsh has created an extensive step-by-step Ten Days Grand Tour to be enjoyed by all visitors.
You’ll be guided through the lush Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, or move your feet into the slick jazz sounds of Mim Suleiman and Trio Rafiki Jazz at the Queenstown Dance Hall.
Guests can also look forward to indulging in local food and wine while admiring the island’s pristine landscapes.
Ten Days on the Island is set to be an artistic feast for those Design Hunters™ with a passion for the diversity of creative island culture.
Ten Days on the Island