About Habitusliving


Habitus is a movement for living in design. We’re an intelligent community of original thinkers in constant search of native uniqueness in our region.


From our base in Australia, we strive to capture the best edit, curating the stories behind the stories for authentic and expressive living.


Habitusliving.com explores the best residential architecture and design in Australia and Asia Pacific.


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Design Hunter™ Q&A with Emma Telfer

Design Hunter™ Q&A with Emma Telfer

This week on Habitusliving we meet Design Hunter Emma Telfer, a Creative industries Marketing Consultant, and Partner of Office for Good Design in Melbourne.

Over the course of the last year Emma Telfer has helped launch Broached Commissions and the Pin-up Architecture & Design Project Space. This week on Habitusliving we asked Emma to share with us some of her favourite design icons and places.

What is your favourite…

travel destination

NYC.; although, I am about to travel to Mexico and I think Mexico City will blow my mind.

hotel/place to stay

I am all for unique self-serviced places to stay when I travel. I love Living Architecture and Air BnB for finding places to stay.


Air New Zealand…it represents flying home


I am a geek…Fast Company

three people that inspire/excite you

1)  Charles Rennie Mackintosh

2)  Rev. Graham Long, Wayside Chapel

3)  Hunter S. Thompson

design classic

Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright

new design



Matzah ball soup with half a pastrami sandwich, Second Avenue Deli, NYC


Billy Kwong, Sydney


New favourite – Hendricks dirty martini…

Old favourite – good glass of red with dinner


City Wine Shop, Melbourne


Tate Modern, London


The Magus, John Fowles

item in your studio

New music


The Americas, Robert Frank


Jenny Holzer

piece of technology

Quad speakers

creative philosophy

Be an open book, be generous with your time and knowledge and give back to the community who feed you.
