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Habitus is a movement for living in design. We’re an intelligent community of original thinkers in constant search of native uniqueness in our region.


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Habitusliving.com explores the best residential architecture and design in Australia and Asia Pacific.


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SID Partner Design Hunter Q+A: Mike Abbott

SID Partner Design Hunter Q+A: Mike Abbott

SID Partner Design Hunter Q+A: Mike Abbott

From the team that brought you revolutionary car-service and Sydney Indesign Transport Partner Uber, Mike Abbott shares his literate and minimalist design favourites with habitusliving.

Your name: Mike Abbott

What you do: Operations and Logistics at Uber

Your latest project: Launched Uber LUX, a new tier of vehicle that I recommend for date nights!

Who are three people that inspire/excite you:

1) Quentin Tarantino
2) Richard Branson
3) Anyone who is passionate about what they do.

What is your favourite…

Car/bike/plane/boat model: I am not so much a possessions guy but if I had an open chequebook maybe a vintage Porsche.

Chair model: Wing backed chair

Residential space: Rustic beach house with a balcony and view

Commercial space: Apple store, George Street

Decorative product: Framed photography prints of my brother’s work in Arnhem land

Functional product: My watch

Handmade good: 18th century chess set my parents gave me for my 21st and my Simon Anderson surfboard

Mass-produced good: Toothbrush

meal: Sashimi

restaurant: Busshari Japanese, Potts Point

drink: Whisky on the rocks

bar: Teo’s in Surry Hills, tacos and dangerous margaritas

item in your studio: I don’t have a studio, but if I had a studio a set square

piece of technology: iPhone

historical figure: Galileo

fictional character: Jasper Dean, if you have not read A Fraction Of The Whole by Steve Toltz, read it!

vice: A tendency to force books on people

virtue: Good taste in books!

What does the term ‘Design Hunter’ mean to you?

I am a minimalist but I do get excited by designs that solve a problem or complement a lifestyle foremost and are also aesthetically pleasing.

