About Habitusliving


Habitus is a movement for living in design. We’re an intelligent community of original thinkers in constant search of native uniqueness in our region.


From our base in Australia, we strive to capture the best edit, curating the stories behind the stories for authentic and expressive living.


Habitusliving.com explores the best residential architecture and design in Australia and Asia Pacific.


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Introducing The Habitus Webinar Series

Introducing The Habitus Webinar Series

The Habitus Webinars are a series of free, open, collaborative conversations between key players in the industry assembled by Indesign Media to address topics that will make a difference.

From mid-May, Habitus is proud and excited to introduce the Habitus Webinar series. Over the course of the coming months, Habitus and a selection of hand-picked industry leaders and regional experts will be addressing a number of the complex issues forecast for the future of the architecture and design industry.

In bringing together experts in their fields and our contemporaries in the community such as Koichi Takada, Rob Mills, Richard Munao, Fiona Hayball, Nicholas Gurney and Angela Ferguson, the aim of the Habitus Webinar series is to talk through and strategise as one our options in navigating the realities, uncertainties, and unprecedented challenges set to face our industry and sectors within.

Following on from many of the conversations we’ve had during our Dialling In With Habitus series, a few points continued to be raised while others may have been raised only once but struck a chord.

We feel that these lines of thought, along with others that have surfaced amidst the editorial desk, deserve a deeper exploration and an opportunity to be unpacked by highly credible thought leaders.

The Habitus Webinar series is completely different not only to what else is out there but also to our own archives in that this time it’s what you – our audience and our colleagues – have shown interest in. Habitus isn’t here to tell you what to do you; we’re here to facilitate conversations within the industry so that as a community we can step forward together.

The first drop of topics are:


Are houses designed to be lived in 24/7?

Across the country everyone is spending as much time at home as possible and suddenly the masses can see that some houses are designed better than others. Poor design and a focus on profits or a speedy build may have once been able to hide behind an active lifestyle but now these flaws are coming to light. What can we learn and how can we ensure those lessons are not forgotten?

Wednesday 20 May 12:30 pm

Brent Calow, director at Havwoods
Michelle Orszackzy, architect + co-founder, Clayton Orszackzy
Rob Mills, director, Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors
Shannon Peach, director, Milieu
Moderated by Holly Cunneen, editor of Habitus


At home 24/7 doesn’t mean available 24/7

A round table with the team, contractors or clients can be an invaluable exercise to tease out a brief, advance a project, work through sensitive topics, and resolve roadblocks. But as we all know some meetings could be emails. Where we were once limited by a preference to speak in person, the rise in video conferencing and inability to be anywhere other than home means we are all theoretically available at any time.

Wednesday 3 June 12:30 pm

Fiona Hayball, studio director, Hayball
Tristrim Cummings, design operations leader, Hassell
Moderated by Holly Cunneen, editor of Habitus


What does our new need to source locally say about our previous priorities?

Up until recently sourcing local materials, finishes and furniture may have been a preference but not a priority. Now, it might be the only option. Is the local design and manufacturing industry set up to serve the whole country, and will this reinvigorate our local industry or overload them with undue stress? What will happen when the international supply chain reopens?

Wednesday 17 June 12:30 pm

Jennifer McMaster, principal, TRIAS
Nick Karlovasitis, co-founder, DesignByThem
Richard Munao, founder & managing director, Cult
Moderated by Holly Cunneen, editor of Habitus


We are already set up to work in a virtual world.

With high speed internet, high res photography, advanced technology and a pre-existing willingness to take on international or interstate projects, architects and designers are known to be agile, flexible workers. What has changed recently is the need to work remotely compared to the ability to do so to in order to travel for work or research.

Wednesday I July 12:30 pm

Carla Middleton, director Carla Middleton Architecture
James Garvan, director James Garvan Architecture
Moderated by Marcus Piper, art director, Habitus


What does a safe future for architecture look like?

The dust has settled and the new normal feels just that: normal. Projects continue to move forward and the industry adjusts to video conferencing clients, physically spaced out site visits and remote working. But in this new environment how can we make sure we’re continuing to pursue new work not just maintain what’s currently on the books. Moreover, will this pandemic change client briefs in both the residential and commercial sphere?

Wednesday 15 July 12:30 pm

Angela Ferguson, Managing Director, Futurespace
Koichi Takada, Principal, Koichi Takada Architects
Moderated by Holly Cunneen, editor of Habitus


The way we design our homes is about to change

As residentially focused architects and designers spending our days in our own home, what are we learning about modern ways of living and how can we use these insights to inform our future projects. A “nice to have” balcony or courtyard has proved essential, as has access to natural light and ventilation. Will study nooks be replaced with flexible home offices and how will dead spaces be transformed in the future to ensure usefulness?

Wednesday 29 July 12:30 pm

Luke Fry, architect + interior designer, Luke Fry Architecture & Interior Design
Nicholas Gurney, architect, Nicholas Gurney
Moderated by Holly Cunneen, editor of Habitus


Holly Cunneen was the editor of Habitus and has spent her time in the media writing about architecture, design and our local industry. With a firm view that “design has a shared responsibility to the individual as much as it does the wider community,” her personal and professional trajectory sees her chart the interests, accomplishments, and emerging patterns of behaviour within the architecture and design community.