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Ebony Addinsall and Katherine Marmaras at Anita Traverso Gallery

Ebony Addinsall and Katherine Marmaras at Anita Traverso Gallery

The Richmond gallery unveils two new collections spanning blown glass and Japanese kozo paper.

In her new body of work Hardly seen; Only felt, Ebony Addinsall’s blown glass forms and wall works elucidate the ephemeral nature of time as a series of transient moments.

With a nod to the artistic strategies of the minimalists, Addinsall’s pieces are produced to be experienced in a sequential arrangement in order to evoke notions of connectivity, unity and constant flux. Her episodic use of pattern, rhythm and texture that flows through each composite part conjures up allusions to a chordal structure in music. Similarly her linear forms resemble a kind of graphic notation.

Addinsall’s works emanate a quiet contemplative or meditative state. By employing a reduced aesthetic through the selection of clear or white coloured glass, the works reflect and converse with their environment. As such, these works explore the subtle relationships that exist between negative spaces and positive forms, a relationship that is hardly seen; only felt.


Melbourne-based printmaker Katherine Marmaras exhibits her new series Pieces of Peacefulness as part of the AT_SALON program for unrepresented artists.

These intricate and meditative works depict abstracted spaces and non-literal references to the artist’s surroundings, and are inspired by patterns and motifs found in both natural and built environments.

“In developing this series, I have set out to evoke a feeling of stillness and quiet to reveal what is not necessarily instantly apparent and invite you to reflect and contemplate the beauty in nature, and take a closer look.” Marmaras comments.

Using Japanese kozo paper Mrmaras builds layers of delicate and at times random mark-making that subvert patterns and create a play between the organic and man-made; strength and vulnerability; the known and the unexpected.

The exhibitions run from 11 July to 4 August.

Anita Traverso Gallery
