Hunter Street Apartments by ODR, from Habitus 24. Photography by Armelle Habib.
Following last year’s successful LiveLife series during Sydney Indesign, we’re back in Melbourne in August to discuss a topic that’s becoming relevant for more and more Design Hunters across the Region.
Multi-residential living is on the rise and, amidst plenty of not-so successful examples, there is a crop of quality developments being designed and built.
We believe multi-res can be more than a necessary evil – community spaces and gardens encourage the kind of communal living and inter-dependence that our society can benefit from. But how do we strike the right balance of community and privacy in these kinds of developments? Between amenity and economy?
We’ll be hosting an informal discussion, with an expert panel. Just confirmed, we welcome Joachim Holland of Assemble and Fieldwork and Jeremy McLeod of Breathe Architecture.
LiveLife will take place on Saturday 23 August at Melbourne Indesign.
To purchase your ticket, click here.