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Habitus Loves… An Unconventional Garden

Habitus Loves… An Unconventional Garden

With inner-city gardens now firmly established, designers are working on new ways of incorporating vegetation into our living spaces. This week we love everything from upside-down pots to transforming IKEA furnishings into living and breathing designs. By Nicholas Sherwood.


Boskke Sky Planters

Created by: Patrick Morris

Why we love it: We spied these planters suspended from the roof of Bill’s Darlinghurst outpost (by the creative team at Pepo). Utilising the dead air space above our heads, the Sky Planter makes for a bold visual and a practical kitchen garden. The ‘Slo-Flo’ water irrigation system allows roots to be fed directly and avoids any spillages.

Where you can get it: Terrace Outdoor Living

Easy Greenwalls
Easy Greenwalls

Created by: Landart

Why we love it: Slowly replacing the feature wall, green walls are encouragingly becoming more popular. The best part is how simple it is for you to get your own green wall to look good. Try growing a vine over a cyclone fence, whilst filling up the gaps with ‘air plants’, which will gradually merge together for a cohesive look.

Where you can get it: Landart

Silo by Joost
Silo by Joost

Created by: Joost Bakker

Why we love it: One of the only cafes to support the zero philosophy, in which all waste must be either compostable or recyclable, and seasonal vegetables and herbs are grown onsite. Before plunging into your own inventive garden, see how the experts do it at Melbourne’s Silo by Joost.

Where you can get it: Silo by Joost

Eliooo Concept

Created by: Antonio Scarponi

Why we love it: The resourceful idea of appropriating IKEA furniture for a higher purpose got us thinking. Architect and designer Antonio Scarponi’s book, Eliooo, illustrates how to upgrade a range of IKEA furniture into vessels for growing hydroponic plants; bringing an unseen dimension to otherwise cookie cutter furnishings.

Where you can get it: Eliooo

Woolly Pocket Hanging Garden
Woolly Pocket Hanging Garden

Created by: Woolly Pocket

Why we love it: Any company that’s turning plastic water bottles into a flexible, breathable hanging garden has our vote. Made for herbs, succulents and tropical plants, the collection has a range of designs, including customised wall pockets and origami-like centrepieces.

Where you can get it: The Small Garden

Gardenwall by Tait

Created by: Tait

Why we love it: It’s one thing to create a design to bring the outdoors into your home, it’s another thing to be able to integrate it seamlessly into everyday life. The Gardenwall stays within the characteristic of Tait’s collection, whilst dancing the line between a bold statement, and simple practicality.

Where you can get it: Tait

Bacsac from Garden Life

Created by: Garden Life

Why we love it:  breathable, fresh perspective on the humble garden pot, the Bacsac will grow your greenery in 100% recyclable fabric that is also UV resistant and permeable. And its simple good looks make creating your indoor garden just that much more pleasant.

Where you can get it: Garden Life

Usuals Greenhouse
Usuals Greenhouse

Created by: Van Eijk & Van Der Lubbe

Why we love it: Taking small to another level, the team behind the Usuals Greenhouse makes a spectacle out of the growing plants. Made to bask in the sun on the end of a coffee table, this greenhouse enables you to turn your herbs into works of art.

Where you can get it: Usuals
